Born from the requests of delegates to the EAC Convention, the EARM has been spearheaded and developed through EAC Board Member, Jorg Thurnheer, who by day is a regulator with the Swiss Civil Aviation Authority. Today the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) have recognised and onboarded the meeting and organisation as part of the EASA General Aviation Community Network.
The message was clear from delegates, that they wanted a joined up approach to Airshow Regulations across the member states, which also includes the United Kingdom as a non- member after transition from EASA arrangements. The objectives of the EARM are clear, firstly to promote safety in Airshows, secondly to provide a network for different states regulators to link together and finally, Creating a platform to share experience, exchange views and expertise with discussion on regulation, providing the chance to harmonise regulatory framework in Europe.
The 6th edition of the EARM, held earlier in November saw 17 nations attend as well as representatives from EASA, under the chairmanship of Jorg, supported by Paul Sall of the UK's CAA, Per Englund of Sweden's STA and Olivier Outtier of France's DGAC. Recognition from EASA in joining the network is paramount and a tribute to the work and effort from the small team behind EARM, driving discussion forward to make regulation simpler for all, whilst supporting the aims of safety and excellence in airshows.