The British Air Display Association will hold it's annual AGM, combined with a webinar on various topics currently affecting the UK Air Display industry. The event is open to BADA members and a pay to enter option will be available to others, or take out a membership beforehand.
An Outline Proposal for the Webinar is below:
1400 Opening Remarks
1405 BADA Action/Situation Brief
1415 UK Govt/Pandemic Perspective
1430 ‘Cancel or Confirm’ The 2021 Dilemma? Chair GB plus panellists from: SSASWG, RIAT, & Shuttleworth
1500 Managing events with SD
1530 Re-start Safety Mgt
1530 Mil Assets Support
1600 Insurance & Legal Aspects
1630 AGM BUSINESS Elections/Awards/Future Direction
1700 CLOSE
To join BADA or for more information CLICK HERE