2015 Convention
Raddisson Blu Hotel, Antwerp, Belgium
The 2015 Convention was held over the 12th- 14th March 205 in the City of Diamonds - Antwerp, Belgium. The convention focussed on a variety of topics with a key focus around security at events following a year plagued by acts of violence and Terrorism across Europe.
We were privileged to be joined by a host of speakers from across 12 different nations, including an inspirational presentation from 'The Jetman' Yyves Rossy.
Thursday 12th March 2015
1200-1700 Display Directors Seminar (Pre Booked Places), British Air Display Association
1400-1730 Fast Jet Display Pilots Seminar, Led by Manolis Karahalios
1900-2030 Official Reception & Buffet
Friday 13th March 2015
0900 Welcome and Introduction of the Delegates, Charles Skiera – Executive
0930 Official Welcome and Chairman’s Introduction, Gilbert Buekenberghs EAC Chair
0945 BAF100 – Belgian Air Force Days 2014,Colonel Paul Desair BAF
1015 Pilot Experiences – The Jetman Yyves Rossy
1045 Coffee Break
1115 Running an Airshow on a Limited Budget –Dawlish Airshow
1145 Your Friend? – Social Media, Gareth Stringer Dep Editor – Global Aviation Resource
1215 Report from the Fast Jet Pilots Seminar, Manolis Karahalios
1230 Lunch ,Windows of Antwerp Restaurant
1350 FAI and the FAI World Air Games 2015 Dubai ,Susan Schoedel FAI Sec General
1430 Air14 Payerne – Making the Magic, Colonel Ian Logan Swiss Air Force
1500 Coffee Break
1530 Airshows – The Police Perspective, Chief Inspector Phil Vickers Lincolnshire Police
1600 Airshows – Counter Terrorism ,Stephen Thompson EMSOU Special Branch, UK
1630 Airshows – Running an Airshow in a high security Environment, Perttu Karivalo
1700 Questions for the Panel – Policing and Security, Led by the Executive
1720 Debrief and Dining Arrangements, EAC Executive
1730 End of Day 1 Convention
1915 Hayward’s Airshow Dinner
1915 Pre Dinner Drinks
1930 Sit Down
1945 – 2300 Dinner, Awards Presentations & Raffle
2300 Retire to Bar
Saturday 14th March 2015
0900 Welcome & Arrangements, Executive
0910 Aire75 – 75 years of the Spanish Air Force, General Javier Arnaiz
0930 EGAST Update of EASA Regulations, James Black
0945 Pilot Experiences – Tinnitus? No, it's the air ambulance! Maximum profile, minimum authorisation; Squeezing the most out of a role demo. - Capt Paul Smith Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
1000 Evening Airshows – A US Perspective, Gale Rawitzer California International Airshow
1030 Coffee Break
1110 Safety Review of the 2014 Season, Capt Hans Rahman Lufthansa / Stiftung MayDay
1140 British Air Display Association Update, John Turner BADA Chairman
1155 What does the Swiss CAA look for in a great Airshow? Joerg Thurnheer
1210 EAC Future and Closing Address Gilbert Buekenberghs EAC Chairman
1230 2015 Convention Close